Contact Us

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All our meetings are open to Non-members, who are most welcome. There is a charge of £1 for non members, or you can join for the year, at a cost of £7.50/person, or £6.00 concessions. Members also receive four newsletters per year, which can be collected at the meeting, or posted to those unable to be there.


To join please send your name, address, post-code and telephone Number (plus email address if applicable) with a cheque payable to ‘L.O.G.’, To the treasurer,
Robin Stevenson,
438 Narborough Road,
Leicester, LE3 2FS

- tel 0116 289 5648

Other useful contacts:-

Secretary: Bob Haskins - Tel 01509 842 449
Publicity Officer: Leon Marvell - Tel. 0116 269 4978


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